Leaving an addict

My ex had some severe mental issues and drug issues and would go on rants of delusions on how he was going to be great and that he wished everyone in the world was dead. Delusion things about people talking about him, laughing at him or not taking him seriously. I’m here to tell you that the rants will last longer, the delusions will become more bizarre, the screaming will get worse. The way you leave is you JUST LEAVE. I came home from work the last night my ex and I were together and he was berating me and screaming at me for almost 4 hours and finally I grabbed a pack and threw a bunch of random shit into it. And ran out of the house. If you think about it too much you won’t even do it. In your darkest moment you have to REALLY decide. Ask yourself “is this what I want for the rest of my life?” Think about a life where you wake up and make your own rules, think about not walking on egg shells, think about going out when you want to, speaking how you want to, FEELING how YOU want to, all of this is possible. Just leave. Block them on everything and never look back.

/r/abusiverelationships Thread