Metacanada actually believes white people are 'being replaced'. How do they know this? Because black people exist.

I absolutely agree with most of what you posted, however consider the same could be said of pretty much any other country that has not just one ethnic group. Since Canada was founded by white Europeans of course it is going to a dominant population of white people. That doesn't mean that past shit that happened was acceptable by today's standards, but guess what it happened folks.

If those atrocities had not been committed frankly you and I would probably not be here. We might as well ask what might the earth look like if our ancestors had not walked up right. It's an interesting discussion to have, but it's not the world we live in. Of course we need to teach the history of what happened and how Canada is what it is today.

I don't think the focus seriously needs to be on white people having some crazy advantage these days over ever other colour. You know who has the real advantage these days? Rich mother fuckers. IE the super wealthy cunts. A lot of them are white, but there are also around the world who are not.

I didn't mean my comment to be a personal attack against you btw. I didn't intend to have it have that tone. It's an attack against all those who focus on race, who focus on Colorado and somehow ignore that it's not white versus X. Or black versus X. It's fucking poor fuckers versus the super rich fuckers who have fucked this country and the rest of the world for long enough.

Let's teach history objectively so that we can avoid the mistakes of the past. Let's focus on today's problems and how we can help all Canadians regardless of their colour or heritage. Specifically let's help our native Canadian brothers and sisters out not because they were fucked over, but because it is the right thing to do. When we raise the standard of living for all Canadians and those at the bottom we improve the future of this country and make it a better place to live.

Not only that, but let's teach the history of the world objectively. Racism and marginalised people exist everywhere and pretty much every race/ethnic group somewhere has done some horrible bullshit to some other group because of stupid reasons.

Let's focus on being human and Canadian and living better lives.

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