Do you think it's a misconception that men want sex, women want relationships?

>Male sexuality is for some reason always seen as vulgar and predatory. The 'men only want sex and see you as a cum bucket' - kinda attitude that you see around here is just one of many ways that male sexuality is shamed.

Tbf as a male this is the attitude I've witnessed with most guys, and it is one of the many reasons why I avoid promiscuous women , because these are the type of the guys they run into. it makes me feel they are devaluing or insulting themselves by being with them.

I live in Egypt so I'm not sure if this reality exists elsewhere, but guys constantly refer to easily accessible women here with derogatory terms, they act if they are simply objects, or like you say cum bucket, and guess what? these guys usually get the most sex, I'm not even lying.

If a girl enjoys being with sick guys like that why should I ever consider them in a LTR?

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