My best friend Copper passed away unexpectedly yesterday. He was a fine looking pup and I'll truly miss him.

I had a companion for 20+ years that I had to put down recently. We went to bed together every day for 20 years. When my boyfriend said she couldn't live in the house, I slept outside with her every fucking day, because I loved her more than I cared about a relationship. 20 years vs 3.

I didn't make posts asking for karma, or asked for any sympathy in anyway.

My point is, people did up vote it. You had every chance to down vote it, and be on your way.

But being a dick to somebody who may, or may have not lost a lobed one human, or not is just cruel.

Maybe they ARE just a karma whore, or maybe this is their way of dealing.

We all have our shit man. It doesn't help being a dick to a random internet person who obviously has something going on.

People kill themselves every day over shit like this, and you just put gas on the fire. Not cool.

It may just be a picture to you, but to him/her, that was probably family.

Next time, just down vote a post like this, and be on your way.

This isn't just to you, I wish all of Reddit could accept that as a rule.

Freedom of speech, whatever man. Do whatever. I'm just saying if I got responses like this over my dog, or cat I would feel even worse. People suck, and say mean things. That's why some people have animals. My snake never tells me I'm lazy. My cat WAS always pumped to see me, plus she kept my dogs in check. And my dog fucking walks on water dude.

I'm just saying words do hurt, even from internet strangers. We all want acceptance, even from internet people we never met. Human behavior. I'm not a hippy, it just hurt me reading that, thinking what if I posted my beautiful dead cat? What hate would I get?

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