You know, there is going to come a point in your life from this picture that you're going to question what you've been working toward this entire time. This strange, eccentric number you've been told will indicate so much of your life. "GPA". An average. Some numerical value attached to a person that somehow quantifies how intelligent and useful you might be. Sorry to say, it's like most measurements... it can't be clung to as the sole indication of your worth.

That's why I find it amusing; your title is simply GPA. There's nothing else about you worth noting? It almost does the rest of the world a favor to let you know you've accomplished so little you need to represent what you are via a little, tiny number. It won't guarantee you scholarships, let alone getting into the college of your dreams. You won't earn more. People won't respect you any better. Because every single time you want to impress someone and show them you're not the completely mediocre girl you appear to be... you have to shamefully flap from you lips your GPA. A number that literally no one cares about beyond the age of 18.

But, do go on; persevere. Keep doing what you're doing. Wasting away the hundreds of hours of youthfulness trying to get that number incrementally higher. You'll miss out on fantastic friends, amazing relationships, memorable times, and worst of all... you'll find yourself trying to ask questions in your twenties you should have known by age 16. You'll crumble in the face of reality because quite frankly; associating yourself with a number is something we read about in dystopian novels. Congratulations, you've done what humanity has tried to avoid for centuries; simply replace yourself with a number.

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