Why or why not do men care about a womans career and salary?

It depends on what I, as a man, am looking for in a woman.

If she has a career and works 60-70 hours a week, or if she’s always on call (think doctors and nurses), then when are we going to have time to get to know each other? This is one of the reasons why I refuse to date anyone who is a doctor or a nurse.

On the other hand, if I’m a doctor (which I’m NOT, just an example), and she’s someone who works 25 hours per week as a babysitter, she may not understand my hectic schedule, or she may be overwhelmed by the lifestyle that I am able to afford with my doctor’s salary. Or she may like it. Who knows?

Some men may also worry about potential “gold diggers”. If I make $200K a year as a surgeon and she makes $24K a year as a babysitter, I would wonder if she truly likes me for who I am, or if it’s my status and lifestyle that she likes.

Other men may want to have someone who has a decent salary because they’re thinking, if I get hurt or sick and I can no longer work as much, I need someone who can jump in and help me pay the bills. But to be honest with you, I don’t think many men think like this. But I’m sure there a few that do.

It all depends.

/r/AskMen Thread