To the person who posted about suicide and then deleted it, call the national suicide hotline: 1 (800) 273-8255

I didn't call any hotline. Other people did, then they police started knocking on doors, trying to find me as people had forgotten my address. One of the things about distancing yourself from people is that when you want to find them after they go to that dark place when they're all alone, they're kinda hard to find.

That said, I had posted a note on facebook. The website itself started popping up a button on the screen labelled "are you okay?". Some people saw it and then the next morning the police were at my door. Then they made me get in the ambulance with an officer who took me to the local psych ward for observation for two weeks.

A year and a half later, I posted on facebook that I was pissed off about something or other after a shitty thanksgiving as I was losing my apartment. So I took a couple of advil PM to help me sleep, and my sister (and a number of other people) thought I was saying that I was trying to overdose... I wasn't.

This time they took me out in handcuffs. Then my sister and her husband took my clothes and computers out of my apartment (leaving behind my desk, chair, bed, rugs, nightstand, iato, and my entire kitchen set) and in to their garage, because my sweaty cuntbag whore of a roommate told them that I was evicted. They left the rest behind.

I've lost pretty much everything I own and am living in my mother's attic.

Sorry, but I have no love for people that just say "get help" or "call a hotline" or "you have to help yourself". When people are at that point that they're contemplating suicide, telling them some bullshit platitudes about how things get better or to look at the bright side or how you're there to listen is bullshit.

Incidentally, I've since cut all ties with my sister, and most of the people that "helped" me ... mainly because they all but stopped talking to me as well. If you want to help someone, that's fine and dandy, but it's not a hobby. You have to take responsibility for your "help" and understand that you may be doing more harm.

There are far worse things than death.

/r/atheism Thread