This is the punishment that a 6 year old boy in Oregon received for being late after his mother's car wouldn't start.

This is a worse punishment than most people even realize. When I was in the 3rd grade I was that kid that wasn't challenged nearly enough; my grandma had already taught me most of it. So I was a talker. Obviously I was disruptive in doing so and I admit that. I was also disorganized with me desk. This was my punishment:

I spent most of my 3rd grade year in the back of the room in a taped off area with signs hanging that said "no talking" and two desks. I had zero communication with my peers. During recess I only got to walk around the play area border. I wasn't a bad kid, I just talked a lot.

Then in the 4th grade I was WAY behind in social skills. The only "bonding" I had with my peers was in mocking this girl that was overweight and... Well let's just say she wasn't beautiful in all honesty. So I did that, and I'm not proud of it. Finally, a month in to 4th grade, I realized I was a bully and vowed to stop. I was of course getting in trouble for it already. So one day she was behind me in line out of music class and I asked what her test score was, trying to be friendly. She showed me, I nodded, and realized I still had my teachers pencil. Since I was turning over a new leaf, I couldn't be a thief. So I returned the pencil and took my place at the back of the line.

The teacher said I made a face at her and ran to the back of the line so I wouldn't be next to her. I spent the rest of the year in a "buddy room" which is another teachers room sitting in the back of the class, again, isolated.

Because of this, I had the single worst social skills you could imagine. To this day, at age 25, I struggle to be in social situations. Isolation from peers is the single worst thing you can do to a kid, because you set them up on a track where they don't understand how to interact. Then they are mocked and build resentment. This leads to major loneliness and anger issues, which I struggled with until I was 22. I was the most likely to snap and go on a rampage in high school. I was a danger. Luckily I had just enough good in me and hope that I didn't. But I was close. And looking back it almost feels like they had conditioned me specifically for it.

This image angers me more than you can imagine. This is disgusting.

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