r/Conspiracy, 4chan, and every other place online concerning conspiracies just become places to voice right winged, conservative opinions.

Why are people actually racist at all it’s absolutely ridiculous to me that this even exists. Colour is nothing it goes deeper than that lol. I have never been racist and never will be. The problem in society is powerful clever jealous people with small winky thinking they are are right about things when they are wrong.

I think racism was started by the same sort of jealous person who saw a naked African man way back in the day and realised they have bigger winky than the white men so decided to create a campaign to subjugate them and keep them away from their women.

(The only reason african people have bigger winky and also lips is really very similar to why an elephant has large ears... to lose heat quickly in a hot climate). This person didn’t want the black men pleasuring their women more than the white men, they didn’t want women to even know about the black mans winky so they started being racist.

I am white btw.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread