Rant...Just an all out rant!

I would also stress that I little ole leech me...PAID for almost all of the wedding and every cent of the honeymoon.

I also fail to see how it is unreasonable to want sex with your husband. Or at the very least ANY form of intimacy. That is not unreasonable to ask for.

I also want to press that I am not in any way like other woman who sit on their ass and expect designer goods like makeup and handbags etc. I cook, clean do washing. I have the same damn clothing I have a had for three years now and never bug him for a god damn thing and I make due with what I got so that I don't put a financial burden more than I am. He has spent money to go to wrestling events things he wanted to go to which is fine. It's his money and it's fine. There are many things I have wanted and went without cause I do not work. Concerts I wanted to go to but could not and I understood.

He spent OUR tax money...cause that year I was working so when I say OURS I really mean jointly I paid into them...for his mother some convention for some TV show she used to watch.

It was also our first wedding anniversary. This thing fell on our first wedding anniversary...we had to take his mom and dad to this thing on the anniversary. We had no sex, no intimacy for our anniversary at all. We did NOTHING. not expecting extravagance but I got nothing not even a single rose...NADA.

I was ok with this somewhat (terrible me being understanding again) cause I knew his mom would be thrilled. And besides...we had planned another small thing for my birthday. So I was content.

Well...a week passes and low and behold...we get bitched out by the landlord for him NOT paying the rent. I had already paid bills and food. So we had to cancel my birthday trip to get back the money to pay the rent. He did not want to, he wanted to pay her when he could. We could not do that and I told him we have to cancel the trip and pay her. So I am sorry for being such a bitch but I have been through a lot. And I really don't take kindly being talked down to like I'm some low life when you don't know everything.

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