Rant Wednesday

1.They come up with random percentages and base the volume of lifting off of it. No math done at all, just pick a number that sounds right.

"Take 80% of your 1 rep max and do 20 deadlifts. If it's to heavy, take 65% and do 50 deadlifts."

2. They'll have us burn out on a ton of squats one day. Starting at 75% and working up to our 1 rep max during our strength/skill, then taking 60%-70% for our wod. We'll do a ton of reps during our wod and with maxing we're exhausted. BUT, on the next fucking day our strength/skill will say "work on your back squatting form."

WTF?! we just did this shit yesterday, this makes no sense. I'll voice my opinions and immediately get shot down... Not to mention our owner and one of our coaches are not in shape. She's a soccer mom shape..

3. The one that really set me off was the night before we were supposed to get up the next morning to run a 5k. Obviously 5k's aren't super far distances, but it's a big deal to most of us in the box. The event was publicized every day while working out to build up the anticipation.

Anyways, the week of comes and we do some fairly easy stuff. Then on Friday, the day before the fucking 5k, everybody is expecting a super relaxed workout. NOPE!

Wod: 1 Run mile 10 Squat Cleans @65% 10 Box Jumps 10 Walking Lunges with 45lbs over your head 10 Box jumps 10 More fucking squat cleans.

1 ANOTHER fucking mile!


When I walked in and looked at the board I was shocked. I should have known the person doing the programming was a dip shit. "Lets kill our legs right before the 5k guys!."

They don't even think.. We have one really good coach and the rest are idiots.

/r/Fitness Thread Parent