Room full of male lawmakers, discussing taking away maternity coverage

My argument is inane? Lol.

Let me explain basic economics to you. Say you allow maternity care to be an optional rider. Men don't buy it. Post-menopausal women don't buy it. Women of child bearing age don't buy it. They buy it, then get pregnant, then get rid of it once they have the baby.

Congrats, the cost of the maternity rider is now exactly the same cost of what maternity services would be out of pocket. You've literally destroyed insurance.

But, it doesn't end there. So all people have to pay maternity costs out of pocket now. But the fact is most people can't. Because it's expensive. Exactly the situation insurance is supposed to protect you against, by the way. But babies happen anyway, because you know, we're animals and we reproduce, so women go to the emergency room when they're in labor because an emergency room can't turn you away. Congrats, all emergency rooms are massively overloaded with women giving birth, and that means everyone else coming in with a heart attack or leukaemia or from a car accident is now competing for that care. (Men can get into car accidents, I hear.)

Oh, and yay, expect maternal and infant death to skyrocket. By the way, this costs us the government a LOT of money, so your taxes increase, despite the fact that you're a man.

The entire point of insurance is to spread the costs of one person's life over their entire life.

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