Should I choose compatibility over passion?

I'm always happy to see a question like this. I feel like I can almost go back and give myself some advice. This is the situation I find myself in now, 8 years into my marriage. You can look into my post history to see where it's lead.

I struggled for a long time to explain what I felt I was missing. Like you, my wife and I get along, we share a lot of interests, same political views and values, etc. We're even good parents together. But there's no passion. I do not desire her. I put commonalities above love and attraction and it was a big mistake.

We all love and want to be loved in different ways. Some people are happy in a relationship like that. It sounds like you're similar to me. I'm romantic and emotional, I need that passion. Without it, the relationship feels more like friendship.

The truth is I think you do have a rational reason not to marry her. If you're stuggling with passion now, it is likely not going to get better without some serious work. Is that something you're willing to do? If you're not, it's time to get out before you find yourself in a worse situation.

And here's the thing that I really wish I would have realized: it's not just about you. Your wife probably wouldn't want to be stuck in a relationship with someone who has no passion for her. If this is how you feel and you don't think it will change, you're doing no favors by sticking around.

/r/Marriage Thread