Some bombs that the doc I scribe for told me about the interview cycle

Totally, it could be just his school and that clinical experience thing was a guess cause I don't know the nitty gritty. But I never said it extends to all schools. I said this is def how his school does it, and how he says or believes most schools with that acceptance percentage operate. I have no proof if that's how those other schools actually do it and he didn't provide any but as for his specific school, the proof is he's an interviewers there and that's the process he goes through. If I had to wager another guess as to how they already know who they'll accept, it'd be that these are the great candidates and have a 99% chance of being accepted before interview, barring them being borderline antisocial or racist or something during the interview. People use that staircase analogy a lot, I think this is the same but with greater extremes. More people are already at the door at the top and some are at the bottom step.

That being said, it would make sense that multiple schools operate like this and this certain school isn't just the only evil school in the entire US.

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