What’s your opinion on blindly following the rules?

Depends on the rules. Rules bring order to our lives and make society run smoothly. There are so many rules that a lot of us follow blindly without even knowing it. Some rules are harmless, others are dumb and need to be changed. In the case of school dress codes, I think that the beliefs that caused particular aspects of the dress code to be enacted need to be challenged. I've heard of girls getting suspended for dressing "too provocatively" and when you see the outfits the girls wore it would make your jaw drop! It is disgusting that society holds such low standards for boys/men basically saying that their sexual appetites are uncontrollable and therefore girls/women need to adjust their behavior to accommodate boys/men. I think that people need critically analyze more instead of just getting angry and saying, "that's the way things are supposed to be!" Well, why? tl;dr: rules provide structure but some are harmful and need to be changed.

/r/AskWomen Thread