Women who proposed or considered proposing to their male counterpart, tell me about it?

I wanted to propose to my partner. We had been living together for six years and I knew he wanted to get married and in the past I didn't. So when he never proposed to me, I started thinking there was maybe something wrong with me or some big reason why he didn't want to do it. I planned out a proposal. I wanted to make a custom video game map that had his name and the words "will you marry me" in a video game where we originally had met nearly a decade ago. I picked out the ring and was pretty happy with the plan. My guy is introverted and would probably enjoy a small quiet proposal.
I asked him how he would feel about me proposing because I had a good idea for it and had been ready a while and didn't want to wait.
He said he would feel emasculated and that I should wait just a little bit longer. I got super depressed and started questioning everything. BecauseEventually, we bought a ring together, but then he still didn't propose several months later, I told him that if there's some reason he can't make the commitment, that we could just break it off and I'd rather he tell me than stringing me along for so many years. He told me to wait just a little longer and I gave him until the end of the year. I figured he'd propose in summer because I love summer. And then fall because I love fall. And then I was certain it would happen October because that's my favourite month. And then November happened and I became less emotionally attached to my partner all around. And then he finally proposed, December 27th, a day with no significance, in my most hated season, 3 days away from when I was planning on leaving him.

Anyway, the entire thing is dumb. I wish I had proposed to him anyway, even if I got rejected, then at least I wouldn't have driven myself crazy and made myself so depressed waiting for him. I would've had an answer, and could've moved on with my life, or been enthusiastic to plan a wedding. But I'm not now, and honestly don't care if we get married anymore. Soooo, tldr: propose! Just do it!

/r/AskWomen Thread