She won't have sex and won't say why, keeps stringing me along

I just feel like physical intimacy (and doesn't have to be sex, just touch and hugs) is really therapeutic and healing for intimate relationships. Her refusal to engage in this feels like she's doesn't want to remedy the situation but rather keep the status quo because deep down she doesn't want to have sex.

And that's fine, but unless she tells me why, other than some vague allusions to an argument long past, I'll remain confused and hurt by her rejection. If she's sincere about her feelings, then let's talk about the argument and what's bothering her. But she's refuses to talk specifics. I'm always left confused.

She refuses to take any responsibility for her part in arguments. I hate arguing, believe me, but she's hen pecks and lecture me all the time and I loose my cool. She's like this with everyone and this behavior does her no favors, professionally or personally. Maybe that gives more context.

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