I am Mark Rippetoe, author of "Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training" and owner of the Wichita Falls Athletic Club. Ask Me Anything Thursday, Sept. 10, 2 PM Eastern.

Hi Mark, thanks for doing this.

I've read SS:BBT and part of SS:PP and have been doing SS for a few months, and the gainz are great. I never would have imagined I would have enjoyed lifting weights, but here I am wanting to push farther and farther. Thanks!

Question 1: In your experience (and that of your coaches), how far can a truly untrained novice who is not "genetically gifted" take their squat while still on a linear progression, assuming they are eating and sleeping sufficiently and don't have form issues?

I'm not at the end of my LP but I've seen some people say theirs ended anywhere from 250 to 415lbs, and I tend to assume the guys that say it stopped at 250 lbs weren't eating/sleeping enough consistently. I realize that if you answer this question it has to be caveated/qualified since it's probably impossible to answer universally, thus I'm asking about what you've seen in run-of-the-mill-and-not-genetically-gifted young men.

Starting Strength App Feedback

I am VERY glad you guys published, thanks! I just paid $5 for the app, which is reasonable and I'm glad to pay. However, I'm having a hard time not being irritated that after paying for the app, it doesn't calculate the titrated warm-up weights for each exercise. I can do this myself, but I can also keep writing my workouts down in my paper log too. And I very likely will because I'm neurotic, but I digress.

Please have titrated warm-up weights added to the app. Honestly, this is the piece that is missing from a lot/most of the other apps that are already out there. Without that, I feel the SS App is not actually any better than the other apps, other than being the official SS app.

/r/Fitness Thread