Jesus was thrown out of the Swedish church today.

Um, how about going into a church dressed as Jesus and forcing them to throw you out? That's a thing.

I don't see a difference between that and someone streaking at a sports event, it's childish but I am not seeing that this is more harmful than a streaking event, do you?

Or how about my atheist friends that say that they automatically assume a Christian is an asshole.

Well, that says more about them than anyone else, I would also wonder why you would stay friends with them if this is such a sore topic for you, but again, this isn't strictly relevant to what you want to happen for the community at large. Assholes are everywhere, I am sure we can find Christians that automatically assume atheists are assholes or Buddhist who feels Muslims are assholes etc. This is not evidence of any type of persecution of Christians.

Or, you know, a lot of what's going on in /r/atheism?

What? Circlejerking? You'll find the same shit going on in every subreddit here, you just seem to be more sore about religion specifically.

You know, it's funny - Christianity's biggest problem throughout history has been its inability to acknowledge its mistakes or its flaws - you seem to be doing the same for atheism.

I think you are mistaken, I don't defend Atheism, I am not even an atheist but I can't apologise for what other people say or do, just as I wouldn't expect you to apologise for anything that you didn't do or say.

You understand that justifying the mockery of Christians by saying that it is, and I quote, "always rooted in the contempt by Christians of the LGBT community or the attacks from Christians of people with different life choices" necessitates lumping them together in LGBT hate, right?

Yes, that was a poor choice of words and I apologise for that, I didn't mean every Christian, I meant that hardcore group that call themselves true Christians and try to change that religion to suit their agenda or misconception of what the Christian faith should be. That was clumsily put by me and you are right in pointing that out.

And there's no question that Christianity is relatively free from attack in mainstream media (relatively - try being the head of an Evangelical ministry that gets caught with a gay hooker),

That seems to be more a mockery of a person that might espouse a certain creed then behind everyones back engaging in a behaviour he/she publicly condemns, that wasn't a great choice to show persecution from media in my book.

but there are plenty of places where being a Christian automatically makes you a target for mockery. Like most of Reddit, for example, or my Facebook feed.

Then ignore or do whatever you want with it, but limiting free speech because of your facebook feed seems a bit petty.

And once again, I don't think Paul was saying (and I KNOW I'm not saying) that there should be a law preventing the mockery of Christians or creating "religious mockery free zones." My point was that most people don't need to be taught what basic human decency is, but making fun of person A because you're mad at person B is not basic human decency.

The trouble is as to who should define what that "basic decency" is. For a devout Christian it could be mockery to claim Jesus was an invention by the Romans in an attempt to pacify the Jewish resistance against Roman occupation. We can't have a society were we allow a least common denominator define what is common sense, you have a right to be offended but you don't have a right to demand a stop to certain people just because you feel offended.

For example, vegans are offended by people eating meat, is it then basic human decency to not eat meat when sitting in the same restaurant? Why is it that one persons belief is more important than anothers?

I think the fact that you don't think it's relevant is exactly the problem. If you asked an anti-Semite about those comics where Jews are depicted as greedy hook-nosed devils, they'd probably say something like "anti-Semite is always rooted in the contempt by Jews of the Palestinian community or the stealing of money from people of other religions."

Regarding the cartoons in Arabic media, I already mentioned that in my post above and you basically stated that you being Jewish makes you more sensitive in this issue which pretty much disqulifies your whole argument. If you can't see how your statement was irrelevant I am not sure I can help you, it was completely beside the point unless you are going for a least common offended person society which I believe would be a horrible mistake.

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