Last night it snowed in Rome

Looks like a rise of 1.33 degrees F in the last 100 years. The margin of error for each year is in the chart in the link below. I'm not sure why you demanded to within a tenth of a degree without a margin for error, because very little that is measurable by humans has no margin of error. One would think as a scientist you would know this. We can't all be good at our jobs, though.

This is a link from an academic institution, so, I'm sure as a scientist you should accept it, however as a troll I'm sure you'll find some justification as to why it's inaccurate and then link me to some craziness from info wars or whatever.

The question about natural vs man-made is also dealt with in the same link, but here's the quote for the lazy among us:

The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane to higher levels than at any point during the last 650,000 years. Scientists agree it is very likely that most of the global average warming since the mid-20th century is due to the human-induced increases in greenhouse gases, rather than to natural causes. While natural variations have altered the climate significantly in the past, it is very unlikely that the changes in climate observed since the mid-20th century can be explained by natural processes alone.

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