LPT Request: How to stop taking life seriously and be completely free from all the attachments?

When you stack too many things on top of each other it seems like the problem is too big to even begin to solve. You can't really completely separate yourself from all those problems but you can sort the problems so it's not so overwhelming. Death is completely out of your control so you have to just let that one go. I think job security and money are things that are normal to worry about, in a way they are the same problem.

Relationships and breakups are different, they very emotional but they aren't a problem that needs to be solved. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, it's has to work for both people so you don't have a lot of control over it. Don't think of them like a job interview where you are applying for a position because you desperately need a job. Think of it more you are a big successful company that is looking to merge with another company and be even better together. If it works out great! If it doesn't work out, it's not a big deal because your company is still a big successful company on it's own and there will be other opportunities. It's normal to be disappointed/sad with breakups but you shouldn't worry about them especially after they have ended.

The only real problem here is money and job security so focus on that. Maybe meet a financial planner and get them to look at your situation and suggest ways to help you manage things better. They will give you a real plan so you don't stress over every dollar, but still live within your means and maybe suggest a way forward with your job. Even with this problem try and contain it to a day/time that you can work on solving it. If you are busy or it's late at night, there isn't anything you can do about the problem so you put the problem on an imaginary shelf then pick it up again when you have time to work on it (everyone has trouble doing this but that's what we try and do).

/r/LifeProTips Thread