My new reading list

Some of these I'm really confused about their logic. What exactly are they fighting for? It seems like someone just looked up a list of "dystopian fiction that liberals like", said we need to ban this without actually understanding what the books were about, and then threw in some books about the American struggle for good measure.

The messaging is all over the place with this. I'm not saying Republican voters in Florida will actually read it or look into what the books are about, they'll just blindly accept it. But banning something like Of Mice and Men alongside 1984, Huck Finn, Handmaid, The Color Purple and Harry FUCKIN Potter can't feel like anything more than just a grab bag of grudges some conservative had against books they were forced to read because it made them question their morals. I mean, for fuck's sake, you have a book about migrant workers during the depression being banned alongside Orwellian dystopian fiction and a book about grade school kids going apeshit on an island. What morals are they trying to protect the kids from losing? I'm so lost.

Do they not want Floridian students learning about the Great depression and how much it sucked? Do they not want them learning about Southern slavery from books that humanize the slaves, even though they are the same people trying to write textbooks for kids today saying that slaves were willing participants and liked their masters?? And why are they banning them from reading a book that was critical of thought control and authoritarianism, which is something they keep claiming the left is doing??

I mean, the answer is obvious. Like I said, it's just somebody with a fucking grudge. But I think they also are trying to protect kids from realizing that their conservative leaders and parents are the ones withholding information and controlling them. And then they just threw in Harry Potter because Christianity or some shit I don't know. Fuck this list I hate it

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