It’s the only way copycats will lose interest

i genuinely don’t know if people are going to believe me but

on thursday, (valentine’s day/parkland shooting anniversary) my school got shot up. no injuries, the person caught right away. it hasn’t been on any news besides local and to be honest, as absolutely strange it is to scroll reddit and see that literally nobody else knows abt it even tho it was kinda big for us??? my point is, the person didn’t get Any widespread recognition and i’m not sure if they were after that exactly but they didn’t get it. to be honest too though, it was scary to think that my friends and people i’m in classes with and have been for years could’ve been hurt is terrifying and i send all of my condolences to any victims or spectators of public shootings/school shootings because it’s hard enough to imagine my classmates getting hurt, i can’t even begin to imagine what i would feel if anyone had died or gotten injured

/r/WhitePeopleTwitter Thread Link -