This should be in every new employee training manual

No it shouldn't. You morons should pay attention to social cues and pick up on the fact that you don't ever remember anyone doing that in front of you (if you did, you'd know why, you fucking savage) and then would think about why you don't and then common sense would tell you why. I'm tired of employee training manuals being a million pages over some bullshit like fish when most of us just want to know the shit that is actually going to get us into trouble. Like what we wear and what we cannot say to each other.

I would say both of those would be the same concept, but you have people who double park, refuse to use their blinker turn signal, and talk in the movie theatre. Then also have people who walk up to other employees (you) and tell you - always in front of other people - that they like the sweater you are wearing because it really makes your large nice titties POP; bonus he's in management - somehow still hasn't been fired (actually just now finally has been fired! WOOOOO!) or that they totally think that "women shouldn't work at ______ but not you cuz you're cool cuz your boy is my boy something what?". Sadly, it's two different guys. I can think of a list of shit to go before microwaving fish. It's somewhere past whose job it is to replace the soap in the dispenser if the cleaning supplies haven't been put up yet and who do I complain to that the next shift didn't lock up again and the alarm has been going off all weekend and apparently no one noticed.

Don't microwave fish at work reddit. Please. It's right next to my desk and I'll be honor bound at this point to kill you. Murder is also not in the handbook, by the way.


Sorry Advice Animals, it's only Tuesday!

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