Trump supporters

Despite what the mainstream corporate press (CNN, MSNBC, ABC...etc) says Trump's policies are all perfectly reasonable - moderate, mildly-libertarian conservatism combined with economic nationalism, both an antidote to the aggressive globalist neoliberalism which has been crammed down our collective throats for 30-odd years.

The left-wing movement in this country, at least going back to Reagan, hasn't really been one of left-wing economics, or using government to improve the lives of the working and middle classes. What's passed for left-wing politics in this country is really just identity politics: promising to give handouts to some identifiable minority or disadvantaged group (blacks, women, LGBT...etc). It also left behind classical liberalism, which was all about free thought and free speech. Today it's the left that is going after consciousness of thought, it's the left that is trying to shut down free speech and it's the left that is violently attacking people who don't share their opinions.

The reality is that America is a country made up of mostly working-class white people, and this concentration is particularly high in places such as West Virginia, who have fallen on hard times. Manufacturing, mining, and other industrial jobs which have been the backbone of the economy, and which have provided millions of decent-paying jobs, have been under siege in the last 20-30 years. And there are lots of people struggling, and who could use some help. But the Democrats really haven't been there for working white people - they see a party that wants to help blacks, Latinos, women, gays, etc., but working families, even whites, are struggling to make ends meet on jobs which are rapidly being replaced by $10 an hour "service" jobs, and they don't see any assistance. They see "welfare reform" taking away their social safety net and promises of nothing in return, except perhaps higher taxes to support "the poor", which evidently doesn't include them because of their skin color.

Is it any wonder, then, that they would be drawn to the Trump, who will actually listen to their concerns about globalism and its economic effects on the working class, and who won't demonize them as racist, sexist, shitlords by virtue of who they are?

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