I’ve never had a best friend. I’ve never been liked by anyone.

I don't know the efforts you must have put in your previous friendships, it's often a let down when you're putting all that you can despite your mental state and people quickly dismiss it saying everybody does that or the efforts are not good enough. But that shouldn't stop you, because YOU need friends for survival. Don't ever hesitate in putting twice the effort than anybody else into friendships, coz in the end it's much better to have a person to talk about shit, keeps you from pulling the plug. We need that for survival.

Refrain from trying to make online friends, they're all talk, making promises and acting as if they care but want to use you as a tool till they need it and disappear the next instance.

I hope you find your crowd and have so much fun you start wondering if it's reall. Good luck dude.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread