I am an American who has lived abroad for 10 years, in the past few years the US has completely gone to shit and this is obvious to anyone outside the country

Sure it's gone downhill and it's still way better than most countries, if not still the best country, that just means there's and abundance of room to improve. I can say for certain that I am definitely not suffering, and nobody I know is suffering, and nobody in my community is suffering, not like other countries during this pandemic. You must hear a lot of rumors abroad of hopes and dreams of the US not being on top anymore because of some the riots, well your idea that the US has gone to shit because of the loudest people in our population, Antifa and BLM, are rioting, screaming, and crying is and illusion, because no terrorist group is going to put a dent in the US's integrity.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread