Any other female residents completely discouraged by dating apps?

I'm a female med student and have success. There's a lot of bullshit for everyone on the apps, but overall I've met some great guys and have had plenty of options.

I can give you my (unsolicited) advice, but I do want to say that I generally try and avoid these types of questions on reddit because it is an incredibly sexist site and there's always gonna be guys chiming in with the whole 'men like young, beautiful 20 somethings and don't care about your career or personality and only your youth and weight' thing and what not. That is true for some guys but it tends to be over-exaggerated on Reddit. It's also a certain type of guy that says this... and not someone you want to date. So yeah, my first piece of advice is to not ask these questions on reddit unless you want a disproportionate amount of men who only care about the superficial chiming in while the moderate voices get drowned out and your confidence is eroded in the process!!!

With that aside, I think women who are doctors and are not successful in dating tend to blame the fact they are doctors instead of focusing on themselves and what they can actually control. Here are some things I have seen in other female med student friends who struggle, which may or may not apply to you:

  1. Having a pessimistic attitude on life and being burned out to the point they are negative on dates without realizing it.
  2. Being a one trick pony and not having interests, hobbies, or an identity outside of medicine. Basically living in the med school/residency bubble without realizing the rest of the world isn't in there.
  3. Not having enough emotional energy to be able to provide a nurturing relationship that meets the needs of a partner.
  4. Not staying in shape or working on appearance.
  5. Coming off as pretentious.
  6. Not realizing that there are plenty of guys that do think it's hot when a woman is successful, smart, and ambitious but continue to entertain dudes that could care less
  7. Only going for the 1% of the 1% of guys and narrowing down their pool so small that it makes it impossible to find someone. Seriously, date people who are in different fields and not necessarily in the same tax bracket and don't focus as much on money!
  8. Looking at men like they're a checklist instead of focusing on building a connection.
  9. Thinking that being a doctor is enough to attract a partner instead of being well-rounded (see point 2)
  10. Not realizing it's a numbers game
/r/Residency Thread