Have you ever realised that you and your best friend are growing apart ? How did you deal with it ?

One of my best friends and I both got into relationships around the same time, and as is expected we would both constantly talk about our SO. However, I gradually began wean off talking about my boyfriend but she would still talk about her girlfriend but even more than she used to. To the point where every conversation we had would somehow go back to talking about her girlfriend.

She had also told me many lies about how they actually got together (she told me they'd known each other about 2 months before getting together, turns out they'd only known each other a week before becoming official and before they'd even met in person) and she told me these lies because she assumed I'd judge her for them, which I didn't until afterwards but only because she had hidden it from me.

She also made it her aim to make it out like her relationship was better and more romantic than mine, such as using the example that because they make each other cups of tea, they're more romantic than my boyfriend and I. Everything was a competition to her, the distance that we both had from our SOs was a competition to see who had it harder. She was about 25 miles from her girlfriend who she could see about two/three times a week whilst I was about 80+ miles away from my boyfriend who I could only see once a week.

Drifting apart from her was probably one of the best things to happen as towards the end I just couldn't be bothered talking about her girlfriend anymore.

/r/AskWomen Thread